We use cookies to help effectively offer our System. A cookie is a small piece of information which is sent to your computer’s hard drive by the web server so that the System can remember who you are. This information may include information relating to your use of our System, information about your computer such as the computer’s IP address and browser type, demographic information and, if you arrived at our System via a link from a third-party site, the URL of the linking page. If you are a registered user, this may include your login information for verification purposes.

Our Strategies for Cookie Utilization

Currently, there are four types of cookies that may be generated as you browse our site: session cookies, preference cookies, analytics cookies and third party cookies.

Session Cookies

As you move through the site, various pieces of information need to be stored in order for the site to function properly. For example, if you add a course to favourites, this course will be remembered so that you can access them later. If you log in, it will be remembered which account you logged in with.

This information is stored in a database and is referred to as a session. One cookie is set to keep track of which session you are using. Old session data is automatically deleted from the database multiple times a day, so this information is not stored long-term.

In addition to the session cookie, a cookie is set to check if cookies can be set on your computer. This is done for diagnostic purposes when you use forms on the website. This information is used to help solve any problems you may have encountered.

How do I control session cookies?

You can use your browser settings to control whether or not the site sets session cookies. More information on your browser settings is provided at the bottom of this page.

Please be aware that cookies are critical to the working of the site. If you choose to disable cookies from this site the functionality of the site will be greatly reduced.

Preference Cookies

Currently a preference cookie is set when you click OK on the cookies acceptance banner displayed on the site.

How do I control preference cookies?

These cookies are set as a direct result of your choice, and function solely as indicators of what that choice was. It is not believed to pose any risk to your privacy. However, you can always use your browser settings to control whether or not our site can set cookies on your computer.

Please be aware that cookies are critical to the working of the site. If you choose to disable cookies from this site the functionality of the site will be greatly reduced.

Analytics Cookies

In order to monitor how this and related websites are performing, data is collected about page visits. This information is completely anonymous — it cannot be determined who it came from. When this data is used, numbers of visitors are analysed overall rather than individual visits.

Analytics information is used in reports and to improve the website. For example, analytics data has been used to add, remove or change features of the site based on how popular they are with users.

Cookie Configuration Options

Adjusting Cookie Settings: You can modify your cookie settings by exploring your browser’s cookie options. We provide further information below on adjusting these settings and opting out of cookie-based data collection.

Cookie Settings

  • Use your browser settings to control cookies on your computer or mobile device. Note that rejecting or blocking cookies may render parts of our site non-functional or inaccessible.
  • You can opt to change your browser settings to opt out of cookies.
  • To opt out of interest-based ads on mobile devices, follow the instructions specific to your device. For more on limiting ad tracking, visit your device’s settings menu.
  • To opt out of location tracking on our apps, adjust your device’s settings.

Supplemental Rules

These variations maintain a consistent tone and provide detailed information similar to your provided examples, ensuring clear communication in your privacy policy.